What You Want from an Online Telephone Directory

Those seeking more exposure online may want to consider inclusion in a web telephone directory (the digital equivalent of the phone book’s yellow pages) to gain that. However, there are some things one must keep in mind when looking for an online telephone directory. Not all directories can give you your money’s worth—most of them have fees—and you have to be discerning about which directories you sign up for if you truly want to reap all possible benefits from being listed online.
First, you want an online telephone directory with fairly high readership. The higher a directory ranks for directories in its specific niche, the better for you, as it means you shall be getting introduced to more online shoppers than otherwise. There is little point to advertising through channels that are unlikely to be viewed by the consumers, after all.
Another thing you want from a directory that is related to the above qualification is that it should be established as a directory of good reputation with both consumers and search engine authorities. Search engines value directories differently and some directories’ backlinks count for very little in their estimation while other directories’ backlinks boost your ranking in the search engine results pages. Quality links matter, and that applies in this case as well.
You also want the directory to have some editing mechanisms that ensure that only reputable businesses get listed there with you. Directories that have no review process prior to inclusion of a listing are not very likely to rank high in either consumers’ or search engines’ estimates, and it can take only one bad entry to cast a pall of suspicion over all the other entries in a directory.
Finally, you also want the telephone directory to give you as much leeway as you might need to present your business effectively in your listing without damaging the user-friendly format of the pages. They should permit you to include relevant data such as your address, your telephone number and other contact information, your website link, at least one image for visual purposes, etc. Listings have to be short and concise, true, but that does not mean they should skimp on vital information.